Planning to install solar? Good news, because investing in a renewable energy source like solar, can help reduce your carbon footprint and save money on electricity bills. However, there are a few important things you need to keep in mind as you plan out your transition. Here are the top five things to remember when considering solar allowing you to maximise efficiency, cost savings, and convenience when making the switch.
There are many solar installation companies to choose from and that’s why verifying you're hiring a reputable one with experience in installing solar panels is important. To do that, you need to compare different options to find the best value for your budget. Check reviews or references from other homeowners who have installed solar panels to know if they had a good experience with the installers you’re considering Ensure that the solar panels and mounting systems are of good quality and not budget models, especially when they are offering a brand of panel that has an extremely good quality model, but all other models are identical to the rest. The high-quality one might have a 30-year guarantee, but the others are of lower quality with the price tag of the better one. This is a common trick in the industry.
If you want to know if solar installers in your area have licenses, search for the Clean Energy Council (CEC) logo or accreditation number on their paperwork or website. The CEC is the national body responsible for regulating solar installers in Australia. You can also check the CEC's Solar Retailer Code of Conduct to search for their name on the list of accredited solar installers because this code is a set of standards that all licensed installers must adhere to. It is worth noting that the industry has very tight regulations and unlicenced tradespeople are very uncommon because of the level of compliance required to trade STCs.
The size, slope, and orientation of your roof have a significant impact on how much solar energy your panel can produce. A south-facing roof is ideal because it will receive the most sunshine. So before installing solar panels, it is essential to determine the size and form of your rooftop to make sure the solar panels you intend to use are suited to your roof. CPEG can help you with this. We use sophisticated software and can tailor design a system to fit your roof or consider alternate options, such as installing the panel on your shed or a pergola., That particular option requires an engineering approval certifying that the structure is capable of supporting solar panels. At CPEG, we do not cut corners.
Solar panels have a number of benefits in addition to cutting energy expenses.
For example, a good quality system installed on the roof absorbs the sun’s energy and keeps the roof cooler. This helps the air conditioning system and contributes more to your savings. They are also an environmentally friendly option for supplying electricity to your home or business because they produce electricity without pollution.
However, keep in mind that there are several sizes and designs available for solar panel systems, so it's crucial to choose the one that best suits your requirements. A reputable solar panel installer will advise you on the best size and type of panel you need as well as how to maximise the financial advantages so you can be confident you're making the right selection regarding your solar panel purchase.
Solar energy is often produced cleanly and used to power residences, offices, and factories. It also helps lower a building’s carbon footprint, while providing a more affordable alternative to conventional means of generating electricity.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions and clean your panels frequently to ensure maximum performance - despite the fact that solar panels can last more than 25 years with appropriate cleaning and maintenance. Here are some cleaning instructions:
By following these simple steps, you can ensure your solar panels are running at peak efficiency and generating maximum clean energy. Alternatively, you can have a professional do this. Inquire with CPEG for a maintenance and cleaning package and keep your solar system functioning at an optimum level.
Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) and Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs) are two federal incentives available to Australian homeowners who install solar panels. They are excellent government incentives for households to install solar panels which lower electricity costs and contribute to a more sustainable future.
STCs are a form of renewable energy incentive provided by the federal government. The number of STCs you can claim will depend on your system’s size, postcode, and installation date. For every megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity generated from solar power, you receive one STC which is worth up to $40. You can either use STCs to reduce your upfront cost when purchasing solar panels, or you can sell them for cash on the open market.
Alternatively, the federal government also provides FiTs to homes that install small-scale solar panel installations. When you use your solar panels to produce electricity and feed it back into the grid, your energy provider will pay you a fee known as a FiT. Where in Australia you live and how much electricity your system generates will determine how much money you receive from FiTs.
When considering solar, it’s essential to keep these factors in mind to make an informed decision about your home's energy future. Do your research on local installers; check the sizing of your roof; consider the savings you stand to make; review maintenance requirements; and look for tax incentives. By following these steps, you can ensure that you enjoy the full range of benefits that come with solar use. Contribute to the environment while taking steps to reduce your carbon footprint and make energy bills a thing of the past. Choose solar today.